Journal History

International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria-RCIA), IJANR by its acronym in Spanish, was created in 1973 as an initiativeof the Dean Guillermo Jimenez of the College of Agriculture and Natural Systems at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, to both encourage and develop higher qualityresearch among faculty members, facilitating Chilean and Latin American researchers to publish their scientific work.

In 2008 IJANR joins Thomson Reuters (ISI), which coincides with the increase in the number of articles received and published. In 2009 the full publication in English of all articles starts, bringing to an end the publication of articles in Spanish.

In 2010 the journal started to receive all the manuscripts in digital format, therefore ending submission by post. In addition to that, the journal included other improvements such as submission ofarticles in English only, editing and proofreading of the English language for accepted articles by the American Journal Experts, and the charging of publishing fees.

From 2011 the complete collection of the journal was made available on its website.

The first Editor in Chief of IJANR was Professor Peter Hirsch-Reinshagen, who established the rules needed to become a high-quality scientific journal. After a long and continuous period of publication in 2008 the journal was indexed by Thomson Reuters (ISI), thus achieving international quality standards. Since its very initial years, IJANR has included and actively promoted publications by researchers from other universities and research institutions, both national and international.

IJANR is currently published by the College of Agriculture and Natural Systems of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with the collaboration of an important Editorial Committee made up of national and international experts.

The topics covered in this journal include all fieldsrelated to the agricultural, forest and environmental sciences that contribute to the scientific and technological knowledge of their particular subject.

From 1974 to 2019, the journal name was  Revista Ciencia e Investigación Agraria - RCIA  (Cien. Inv. Agr.) ISSN: 0304-5609 / eISSN: 0718-1620

Since 2020 the name was changed to International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources  - IJANR  (Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour.), ISSN: 2452-5731