Vol 28, No 1 (2001)

Table of Contents

Research Paper

Prostaglandin synchronization during the early postpartum period in the reproductive performance in high producing dairy cows
F. Gonzalez, F. Bas, N. Cáceres, E. Rahaussen
Usle erosion model evaluation on six locations between IV and IX Region of Chile.
R. Honorato, L. Barrales, I. Peña, F. Barrera
Productive response of broiler chickens to exogenous enzyme combinations added to diets based on corn or triticale
M. Camiruaga, F. Garcia, R. Elera, C. Simonetti
Study of two methods used to quantify the berry firmness of Thompson seedless grapes.
A. Vargas, J. Pérez, J. P. Zoffoli, A. Pérez
Projected value of prevented agricultural production damage in the Mapocho river basin due to ozono level control.
J. Cancino, G. Donoso

Research Notes

Pre-selection of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae stains in forage vetch for use as green manure.
H. Urzúa, J. M. Urzúa, R. Pizarro